About Natur

Natur Beef, Kalbaskraal

Rare & Delicious

Natur Grass Fed Beef

Natur Beef is about Natural beef - natural and wild grass pastures, no vaccination, no antibiotics. no irrigation, no fertiliser other than cattle dung, natural birth in the veld, free range with no lick and no dip. Only oats hay (from the Kalbaskraal district) is given from midsummer as added feed. Natur Beef is as close to venison as beef can be!

The process of meat stretching or hanging takes place after the animal is harvested and skinned, If the cold shortening occurs before the carcass approaches the point of rigor mortis – or the stiffening of the body – it can turn the meat significantly tougher.

So you can hang the carcase via the Tender stretch method – where it is hung from the the ligament that runs down the back of the carcass, or under the hip-bone of the pelvis, and its this method that especially benefits the hindquarter cuts tenderness.

Natur Beef, Kalbaskraal, Cape Town, Western Cape, S-8001, South Africa

Build your Testosterone levels Naturally!

The perfumed and sexy Natur beef - packed full of iron and zinc. Is developed from grazing the rare natural and wild grasses of the Cape Floral Kingdom. With absolutely no pastures and no irrigation. It's the prescription for a happy and testosterone filled life!

Beef of Origin

At Natur Beef, Kalbaskraal we are aiming for more complex beef flavours than 100% Wagyu, with our Angus/Wagyu crossbreed cattle running uniquely on natural and wild Cape Grasses of the Cape Floral Kingdom.

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Natur Beef, Kalbaskraal, Cape Town, Western Cape, S-8001, South Africa

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Free Range

Free range on natural Cape grasses and fynbos. No antibiotics, growth hormones, or kraal feed. Packed full of Omega and polyunsaturated oils.


Contact: Mark Anderson

Phone: 066 446 2455

Email: dunbaranderson@gmail.com